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recipe image Dark and White Mint Chocolate Saucy Puds

Dark and White Mint Chocolate Saucy Puds

  • Prep time
    30 minutes
  • Cooking time
    10 minutes
  • Servings
  • Difficulty


White Choc Mint Ganache
  • 2 eggs, large2 eggs, large
  • 50g light muscovado sugar
  • 2 tsps plain flour
  • 2 tsps cornflour
  • ¼ tsp mint extract
  • 140g dark chocolate
  • 110 grams Stork
  • 2 tbsps double cream
  • 100g white chocolate
  • 20g Stork tub
  • 1 tbsp Elmlea double
  • 4 fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp Cocoa powder to dust pudding moulds


      1. Prepare the white chocolate mint ganache. Gently melt together the white chocolate, Stork, double cream and finely chopped mint leaves. Stir until smooth and glossy.
      2. Divide the mixture between 4 silicone petit four cases or the recesses of a silicone ice cube tray. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes to harden.
      3. To make the pudding batter beat together the eggs and the sugar till combined. Sift over the plain flour and cornflour and mix well.  Stir through the mint extract.
      4. Melt together the plain chocolate, Stork and cream and stir until evenly mixed. Add this to the pudding batter and mix well.
      5. Set the batter to one side to cool to room temperature.
      6. Prepare 4 pudding moulds. Grease well and add the cocoa powder. Turn the mould to coat the base and sides well before tapping out the excess.
      7. Preheat the oven to 180c (fan)/200c/Gas Mark 5.
      8. To assemble the puds add a generous spoonful of dark chocolate pudding mixture to the base of each mould.
      9. Take the hardened ganache from the freezer and add 1 portion to the centre of each pudding.
      10. Split the rest of the chocolate pudding mixture between the 4 moulds, adding it on top of the white chocolate mint ganache.
      11. Bake the puddings for 8-10 minutes in the oven.
      12. Release from the moulds straight onto a plate and serve right away.